
UNCT continued to make progress across all four SCF strategic priorities while supporting the overall monitoring and review of the country’s progress towards achieving the SDGs and other international commitments. As the Government announced the intention to develop its second Voluntary National Review (VNR), UNCT drew on its internal capacities and expertise to provide relevant guidance and advice in the process. Preparations for VNR were well underway at the end of the year, and support towards the finalization of the process will remain one of the key priorities for 2023.

As in previous years, the United Nations family made contributions across nearly all the SDGs, with support primarily aimed at strengthening of the policy and regulatory environment and consolidating national capacities to ensure the sustainability of results. UNCT also channelled efforts towards raising awareness of the SDGs through the implementation of several far-reaching communication and advocacy campaigns. Gender equality and human rights have remained at the forefront of the work being mainstreamed across all activities and interventions.

Financial overview and resource mobilization

The total expenditure of UNCT under SCF amounted to USD 4.2 million in 2022. The figure includes both core and non-core resources, and reflects financial and in- kind contributions. About one-third of the spent resources was directed towards activities focused on economic diversification, public administration and resilience

followed by activities targeting the strengthening of social services and activities focused on the environment, energy and food which each accounted for approximately a quarter of the expenditure. The remining expenditure was directed towards support aimed at enhancing the role of the government in international and regional partnerships.

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Also in this Chapter

In addition to making progress in the supporting the country in the four priority areas under the Cooperation Framework, the United Nations also strengthened its support to partnerships and financing of the 2030 Agenda and improved its coordination, coherence and efficiency. The progress achieved has not come without certain challenges and lessons learned during the year, which will inform the work of the United Nations in the country moving forward.

Partnerships and Support to Partnerships for the 2030 Agenda

In 2022, UNCT continued to build and strengthen partnerships for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. UNCT further consolidated its long-lasting partnership with the Government through bilateral discussions and by engaging in strategic dialogue as part of the organization of two SCF Steering Committee meetings Click the card below to learn more 

United Nations Coherence, Effectiveness and Efficiency

UNCT is now better positioned to support the Government to implement the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, following a year of targeted efforts to consolidate coherence, effectiveness and efficiency.

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Challenges and Lessons Learned  

Several challenges constrained the implementation of the the Cooperation Framework in 2022. However, these challenges also served as an opportunity for the United Nations in Bahrain to adapt its programming and operations and strengthen its support. The lessons learned in 2022 will inform the United Nations work in the country moving forward. 

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