SCF 2021-2024 effective implementation
In 2022, the United Nations Country Team in Bahrain will continue to support the country in achieving its national priorities and the 2030 Agenda, in line with the SCF 2021-2024 and the 2021-2022 JWP. Activities for the year are planned across all United Nations priority areas in the country, with a strong focus being placed, as in the past, on policy support and capacity development efforts.
Leaving no one behind
Leaving no one behind will remain a key driving principle of the United Nations work in the country, and the cross-cutting areas of human rights, gender equality and disability inclusion will continue to be prioritized. In the lead up to the upcoming Universal Periodic Review planned for October 2022, the United Nations Country Team is preparing to provide support to the Government of Bahrain by reviewing the progress achieved since the last review. This will also allow to support the preparation and implementation of the Action Plan of the National Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2022-2026. Gender programming is also expected to be strengthened. Improving the mainstreaming of gender equality, disability inclusion and youth across United Nations Country Team work will be given special attention, including through the establishment of a United Nations Country Team Gender Thematic Group.
Interagency coordination
The important steps taken in 2021 to enhance interagency coordination will be consolidated in 2022. It is anticipated that all the interagency groups and other structures established in 2021 and earlier will become fully functional and fulfil their programming, communications and operations roles in line with their agreed terms of reference. Efforts will also be undertaken, in conjunction with the Government of Bahrain, to ensure that the SCF Joint Steering Committee continues to serve as an effective mechanism for strategic guidance and oversight in the implementation of the SCF 2021-2024.
SDG partnerships and financing
The engagement of all stakeholders in the development process is essential to the achievement of SDGs. Consequently, the United Nations Country Team will continue to strengthen its existing partnerships and build new ones in 2022. Strengthening relationships with civil society and the private sector will be especially prioritized. At the same time, efforts will be undertaken to support the development of a national framework for the financing of SDGs to accelerate their achievement.
Resource mobilization
Joint programming and joint resource mobilization operate hand-in-hand where effective SCF 2021-2024 implementation is concerned. The latter allows the United Nations to direct efforts for the identification of new funds and funding sources towards areas of priority at the level of the entire system. Whereas in 2021, the United Nations Country Team focused on consolidating its joint programming, enhancing resource mobilization via joint efforts will play a more central role in 2022, which is an aspect of particular importance, given the current SCF 2021-2024 funding gap and the potential for economies of scale.
Joint analysis and data for SDGs
A solid evidence base is essential for effective programming and therefore, joint analysis will continue to be a key focus for the United Nations Country Team in 2022. The Common Country Analysis and two supporting papers, one on food systems and one on social protection, are expected to be finalized in the first quarter of the year. The analysis will be supplemented by targeted briefs on social and policy issues throughout the year. Efforts to increase SDG data availability will also be prioritized.