Although in recent years Armenia has made progress regarding gender equality, especially in the area of education, the full realization of gender equality in the country is prevented by prevailing gender norms and subsequent gender stereotypes. As indicated in the CCA, women and girls are being left behind, especially those facing intersecting forms of discriminations.
The UNSDCF for Armenia 2021-2025, includes a standalone outcome on gender equality. In the UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard, both the CCA and the UNSDCF have been assessed to exceed the minimum requirements. In the annual progress assessment reports for both 2020 and 2021, the collaboration and engagement between the UNCT and women's/gender equality CSOs has also been assessed to have exceeded the minimum requirements.
The UN continued to challenge perceptions about women’s and men’s roles in the family and in society and aimed to reduce the incidence of gender-based violence (GBV). The opening of family corners; campaigns like “Dads Matter”; "My father and I" exhibitions and competitions; interactive theater plays; TV programs and TEDx videos were all part of the broader work to draw attention to responsible parenting and tackle harmful stereotypes and perceptions about women's and men's roles in society. Participation of prominent fathers and influencers, in particular healthcare providers, social workers and priests, showcased positive examples of fatherhood.
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